How are Worknice insights calculated?

2 min read

As part of Worknice’s overall insights and reporting capability, customers can access a library of out of the box insights displayed in graphical visualisations or calculated figures. These insights are calculated using industry standards

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To find your insights, navigate to the Admin section and then click on the Insights section on the top menu.

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You need to have the Insights add-on to access this feature

Headcount Insights

Total headcount

Total people who are in the organisation who have an active position on the last day of the selected date range.

Positions are active if:

  • they have an start date
  • the start date is before the selected day
  • if there is an end date it is after the selected day


Total people that started work within the selected date range.

A persons start date is defined by the start date on the first position they have held within the company.


Total people that left within the selected date range.

A person is considered to be a leaver if;

1 - They are marked as terminated

2 - They have a job record that has an end date.

The leave date is the job end date, not the day they were marked as terminated.

Turnover rate

We generate turnover rate in the following way:

Turnover rate = Leavers within the sample period / Total headcount at the start of the sample period * 100

This approach is inline with ISO 30414, a universal norm for Human Capital Reporting published in 2018.

Total headcount over time

Total people who are in the organisation who have an active position on the day being sampled.

Positions are active if:

  • they have an start date
  • the start date is before the selected day
  • if there is an end date it is after the selected day

Starters and leavers over time

Total amount of starters and leavers over time.

A starter is defined as someone whose first position's start date is the same day as the date being sampled.

A leaver is defined as someone whose current position's end date is the the same day as the date being sampled.

Gender pay-gap

Pay gap %

We calculate the percentage gender pay gap in the following way.

(Average male salary - Average female salary) / Average male salary * 100.

Note this is for the last day of the selected date range.

This approach is inline with the WGEA definition.

Pay gap $

The dollar pay gap is generated by deducting the average female sale from the average male salary.

Note this is for the last day of the selected date range.

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