Public profiles

Display useful information about a user to other members of the workspace

2 min read

A Worknice public profile is a feature within Worknice that displays key information about a user to other members of the workspace.

A public profile makes it easy to see who you’re talking to, understand their role, and put a name to a face—super helpful in big teams or cross-functional projects. It also helps everyone stay on the same page by showing key info like availability and how to reach out. Plus, with fun extras like bios, it adds a personal touch to the workspace. For new team members, it’s a great way to quickly get to know who's who and what they do, making onboarding or keeping up with new hires so much smoother.

What information does a public profile include?

The profile typically includes:

  • Display name: The user's name as they are known at work.
  • Position: The position or role the user holds in the organisation.
  • Work contact information: Email address and phone number, if shared.
  • Location: their work location
  • Photo: A profile picture for easier recognition, if shared.
  • Pronouns: The pronouns this person would like others to use when talking about them, if shared.
  • Birth day: The day and month (not year) a person was born - if the user has not hidden this info.
  • Bio: A summary of what this person does at the business, if shared.

How to update public profiles

During initial onboarding

During initial onboarding, a user will have the option to fill in their profile details.

In a person’s people profile

Go to your My Info section on the left hand menu, and click Edit to update your profile.

note - admins can also update this info on an employees behalf.

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