Why configure forms?
Your business is different to others, so the data you want to capture will be different too. For example, some businesses may want to collect two emergency contacts, where you may want to collect just one. Worknice lets you control that with ease.
Configure your forms
Locate form templates in settings
Form configuration is completed at the account level. This means, when you make your configurations, they update across your entire Worknice account automatically.
To configure your forms, go to Settings in the main menu, and then click on the Templates tab.
Choose the form to configure
To configure a specific form, click Edit against the specific form.
All forms are designed to be configurable, however only a handful have configurability options at present. They include:
- Emergency contact form
- Super choice form
- Pre Employment form
Configuration options
Worknice is super simple to configure. Once you are in the form configuration panel, you typically have option to hide or show a particular part of that form;
Input fields
Hidden: this means the form field will not appear in your account
Optional: this means the form field will appear, but it does not have to be filled out by a person.
Required: this means the form field must be filled out by the user.
In some forms, there are questions that will be asked of the user to respond to. You can tick or untick each of these questions.
Checked on: A checked question means it will be asked,
Unchecked off: and an unchecked question means it will not be asked.
In some forms, you have the option of adding an 'introduction' You can use this for a number of reasons:
1 - Explain the reason for the form (why the respondent should provide the information)
2 - Provide detailed instructions
3 - anything else you believe is useful.
You're all done!
If you have any questions please reach out to our support team at help@worknice.com or through the help section within Worknice.