I can’t see birthdays on my shared calendar
People listed in the people directory have the option to opt-out of displaying their birthday to the business. If they opt-out, their birthday will not appear on the shared calendar.
They do this by going to their profile, clicking edit, and ticking ‘Hide birthday’.
Where is the anniversary date pulled from in the shared calendar?
The anniversary date is taken from the start date of a persons first job record. To access this information, go to the people directory, select the person, and click on the Jobs tab. Edit the start date of the first job record.
Why can’t I see a rendered Org chart?
“Unable to render org chart: too many roots”
When you see this notification, it means there is a configuration issue in the way positions have been mapped. To resolve this, work through the following steps;
1 - Ensure there is only one position at the ‘top’ of the org chart. This single person will not report to anyone.
2 - Ensure all other positions report into another position.
Why can’t I see a person’s position in the People directory?
This can be due to one of two reasons;
1 - The person is yet to begin their first job in the business. The start date is in the future.
2 - A job is not yet assigned to the person