To terminated people, go to People on the main menu. From the people directory, search or find the person you wish to archive. Click view.
Once you are in the person record, click settings.
Find the Modify Person section, and click Terminate.
Find terminated people in the people directory
In future, you may want to find an terminated person. There are a number of reasons you may wish to do this, such as recovering information about this person, or reinstating them at a future time.
To find terminated people,
go to People on the main menu. Using the filters at the top of the page, select include terminated. You can now search and find archived people.
Restore an terminated people back to 'active'
You can restore a terminated person back to being 'active'. This typically happens for casuals or contractors that return to the business at a later date.
To restore terminated people,
go to People on the main menu. From the people directory, search or find the person you wish to archive. Click view.
Once you are in the person record, click settings.
Find the Modify Person section, and click Restore.
You're all done!
If you have any questions please reach out to our support team at or through the help section within Worknice.