Zapier Integration

How our Zapier integration helps connect Worknice to 1000’s of apps

2 min read

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a tool for building automations and connections between your favourite apps by moving data between them automatically. You can use Zapier to connect Worknice to 1000’s of other tools your team are using.

What is a Zap?

Zaps are automation workflows in Zapier. They're made up of customisable commands that fundamentally say "When this happens, do that." So when one event happens in one app, Zapier tells another app to do something else.

Triggers and actions

Every Zap has a trigger that kicks everything off, as well as one or more actions (what your Zap actually does for you). For example, you might build a Zap that automatically sends Worknice the details of a person when they are hired in your recruitment software (eg. Breezy HR). In Zapier, that Zap would look something like this:

Learn more about the basics of Zapier

Some popular Worknice automation examples

Here are some of the most common examples of automations you can create in Worknice;

  • Add new hires from your recruitment software into Worknice
  • Add new people from Worknice into your Rostering/LMS/Engagement tools…
  • Create a custom induction workflow and assign tasks to various team members at different times
  • Request new certificates for expiring certificates
  • Create custom welcome emails for new hires
  • Create custom slack/teams alerts for the P&C team such as;
    • Upcoming new hire alerts
    • New onboarding completion alerts
    • Onboarding ‘slipping’ alerts
    • Upcoming expiring certificates or contracts
    • Approved paperwork alerts

Ready to get started?

Our Worknice integration is currently in BETA and we are inviting selected customers to try it out before general release.

Keen to try out Zapier? Let us know on

More resources

There are lots of helpful guides in Zapier's help centre, but here are some of the most useful ones to refer to when using our Zapier app: • Learn key concepts in ZapierAutomation basicsUsing Filters in ZapsUsing Formatter in ZapsTroubleshooting errors in Zaps

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