Before you get started
You need to be an Account owner to add a new integration into Worknice
You will need to have the required permissions in the 3rd party app in order to Authenticate the integration.
Getting Started
Browse available integrations in the App directory, located on the left hand menu.
Add a new integration
Pick and choose the apps you would like to add into Worknice.
In the App directory, find your app and click View details.
Click Create integration to add it into your account.
Authenticate the integration
In order for the integration to begin syncing, it must be authenticated.
You will have been directed automatically to the new Integration, and can now begin Authentication. You must have the required permissions in the 3rd party app in order to Authenticate the integration.
Click the Authenticate button.
You will be directed to the 3rd party app to authenticate.
Configure the integration
Some integrations can be configured.
Click the Reconfigure button from within the integration to access these choices.
You're all done!
If you have any questions please reach out to our support team at or through the help section within Worknice.