Before you get started
Approvals can be requested on all Draft paperwork items in Worknice.
- Documents
- Forms
- Certificates
- Tasks
Requesting an approval
It is important to note that your item must be in a draft state before you can request an approval. If you have already assigned the item, you will need archive it and create a new draft.
Open your draft item and click the Approvals button and select the people that you would like to request an approval from then click Save.
When you are ready to request approval, click Request Approvals. Each approver will receive a notification.
Checking an approval request status
To check on the approval request status click the Approvals button to check the status of each approval request.
Assigning your item
Once you have received all approvals, the item will be able to be assigned by clicking the Assign button.
You're all done!
If you have any questions please reach out to our support team at or through the help section within Worknice.