With our paperwork expiry and due dates, you can see the full story of which paperwork has past r is approaching and expiry / due date. This opens up a ton of incredibly useful use-cases for our customers;
- Managing fixed term contracts
- Automating compliance of important certificate, licence, ticket documents
- Compliance monitoring
Before you get started
Expiry date vs due date
Expiry date - the date paperwork expires and is no longer valid.
Due date - the date which an item of paperwork should be completed.
For example, the expiry of a Driver licence is the date in which that document is no longer valid and a new one should be supplied. The due date would be the date in which a person needs to supply the new document by.
Adding expiry dates to paperwork
Employee self service
In the case of certificates, employees must (if this has been configured) suuply the expiry date of their paperwork.
Admin adhoc updates
You can update a single paperwork item expiry date by accessing the paperwork item itself, and then selecting the Info button and updating the expiry date there.
Admin bulk updates
You can update multiple paperwork item expiry dates from the Admin menu, and selecting the Paperwork page.
Check the items of paperwork you wish to update, and use the bulk item floating menu to make your changes.
Managing expiry and due dates
Paperwork page
The paperwork page is a consolidated view of your organisation wide paperwork. Within this view, you can filter and visualise your data in different ways, including their due and expired status.
Use the filters or scroll through the paperwork items to review expiry and due dates.
Inbox alerts
All responsible people of paperwork will receive a notification when paperwork is expiring soon or expired.
People directory
Any person with compliance issues, including expired paperwork, will be flagged in the People directory. Enter the person profile to review their expired paperwork either;
- Ignore the flag
- Request the employee provides new valid paperwork
You're all done!
If you have any questions please reach out to our support team at help@worknice.com or through the help section within Worknice.